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Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud: A Masterpiece of Russian Literature and History

Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud: A Review of the Classic Novel by Mikhail Sholokhov


If you are looking for a captivating and profound novel that explores the human condition in times of war and revolution, you might want to check out Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud. This is a Vietnamese translation of And Quiet Flows The Don, a masterpiece by Mikhail Sholokhov, one of the most celebrated Russian writers of the 20th century.

Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud


Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud tells the epic story of Gregori Melekhov, a Cossack farmer who falls in love with Aksinia, a married woman from his village. Their passionate affair leads them to face many hardships and tragedies as they struggle to survive in the turbulent period of Russian history from 1912 to 1922. The novel depicts the impact of World War I, the October Revolution, the Civil War, and the famine on the lives of ordinary people in rural Russia.

Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud is not only a gripping romance but also a powerful social commentary that explores themes such as love, loyalty, freedom, justice, violence, suffering, hope, and despair. The novel also offers a rich and authentic portrayal of the Cossack culture, history, and identity, as well as the diverse and complex realities of the Russian society at the time.

Mikhail Sholokhov was a Nobel Prize laureate who was praised for his artistic skill and his deep understanding of human nature. He was born in 1905 in a Cossack village near the Don River, where he spent most of his life. He started writing Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud when he was only 20 years old, and completed it in 1940 after many years of research and revision. The novel was a huge success both in Russia and abroad, and has been translated into many languages and adapted into films, plays, and operas.

Summary of the plot

Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud is divided into four parts, each covering a different phase of the historical events and the personal lives of the characters.

The first part introduces Gregori Melekhov, a young and handsome Cossack who lives with his family in the village of Tatarsk. He is married to Natalia, a gentle and obedient girl who loves him dearly. However, he is secretly in love with Aksinia, a beautiful and fiery woman who is unhappily married to Stepan Astakhov, a brutal and jealous man. Gregori and Aksinia begin an affair that scandalizes the village and angers their families. To escape from their troubles, they run away together to work on a farm. Meanwhile, Gregori is drafted into the army to fight in World War I against the Austro-German forces. He proves to be a brave and skilled soldier, but he also witnesses the horrors and absurdities of war. He is wounded several times and returns home on leave.

The second part focuses on the October Revolution of 1917, which brings down the tsarist regime and establishes the Bolshevik power. The Cossacks are divided into two factions: the Reds, who support the revolution, and the Whites, who oppose it. Gregori is initially sympathetic to the Reds, but he soon becomes disillusioned with their violence and oppression. He joins the Whites, who are led by General Kaledin, a Cossack leader. However, he also becomes disillusioned with them, as they are corrupt and incompetent. He tries to stay neutral, but he is forced to fight on both sides at different times. He also learns that Aksinia has been unfaithful to him with Evgeni Listnitsky, the son of their landlord. He decides to return to Natalia, who has given birth to twins: a boy named Ilyinichna and a girl named Dunyashka. However, he still loves Aksinia and cannot forget her.

The third part depicts the Civil War that breaks out between the Reds and the Whites after the revolution. The Cossacks are caught in the middle of the conflict, as they are attacked by both sides. Gregori joins a band of Cossack rebels who resist both the Reds and the Whites. He becomes a leader of his group and participates in many battles and raids. He also reunites with Aksinia, who has left Evgeni and wants to be with him again. They live together in a hut near the Don River, where they are happy for a while. However, they are constantly in danger from their enemies and from their own people. Natalia dies after trying to abort her third child with Gregori. Dunyashka also dies from an illness.

The fourth part shows the end of the Civil War and its aftermath. The Reds defeat the Whites and establish their control over Russia. The Cossacks are persecuted and starved by the new regime. Gregori and Aksinia decide to flee to Romania with some other Cossacks who have managed to escape from Russia. However, on their way, they are ambushed by a Red patrol. Aksinia is shot dead in Gregori's arms. Gregori is captured and taken to a prison camp, where he is tortured and interrogated by his former friend Pantelei Prokofievich Melekhov, who has become a Red commissar. Gregori refuses to cooperate or betray his comrades. He is sentenced to death by firing squad.

Analysis of the characters

Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud has a large cast of characters who represent different aspects of the Russian society and culture during that period.

Analysis of the characters

Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud has a large cast of characters who represent different aspects of the Russian society and culture during that period.

The main character is Gregori Melekhov, who is a typical Cossack hero: strong, brave, handsome, loyal, proud, independent, adventurous, passionate, rebellious, restless, generous, honest, but also impulsive, stubborn, naive, conflicted, confused and tormented. He is torn between his love for Aksinia and his duty to his family and his people. He is also caught in the crossfire of the political and ideological struggles that shape his destiny. He tries to find his place and his identity in a changing and chaotic world, but he often makes mistakes and suffers the consequences. He is a tragic figure who loses everything he loves and values.

Aksinia Astakhova is Gregori's lover and soulmate. She is a beautiful and spirited woman who defies the conventions and expectations of her society. She is unhappy in her marriage to Stepan Astakhov, who abuses her physically and emotionally. She falls in love with Gregori and runs away with him, risking her reputation and her life. She is loyal and devoted to Gregori, but she also has her own flaws and weaknesses. She cheats on him with Evgeni Listnitsky when Gregori is away at war. She is also jealous and possessive of Gregori, and sometimes clashes with him over their different views and values. She is a courageous and resilient woman who faces many hardships and dangers with Gregori.

Natalia Melekhova is Gregori's wife and the mother of his children. She is a gentle and obedient girl who loves Gregori sincerely and faithfully. She suffers from Gregori's infidelity and abandonment, but she never stops hoping that he will return to her. She tries to be a good wife and mother, but she also has her own dreams and desires that are never fulfilled. She is a victim of the patriarchal and oppressive society that denies her happiness and dignity. She dies after trying to abort her third child with Gregori.

Pantelei Prokofievich Melekhov is Gregori's uncle and mentor. He is an old and wise Cossack who has seen many wars and revolutions in his life. He is respected and admired by his family and his people for his courage and wisdom. He teaches Gregori about the Cossack culture, history, and identity. He also tries to guide him through the turbulent times and help him make the right decisions. He supports the Reds in the Civil War, believing that they are fighting for the rights and interests of the Cossacks. He becomes a Red commissar and later interrogates Gregori when he is captured by the Reds.

Evaluation of the style and language

Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud is a remarkable work of literature that showcases Sholokhov's artistic skill and his deep understanding of human nature. He uses various literary techniques such as narration, dialogue, description, symbolism, imagery, etc. to create a vivid and realistic portrayal of his fictional world.

Sholokhov uses a third-person omniscient narrator who can access the thoughts and feelings of different characters and provide historical and cultural background information. The narrator also occasionally addresses the reader directly, inviting them to share his perspective and attitude towards the events and characters. The narrator is sympathetic to the Cossacks and their plight, but he also criticizes their flaws and mistakes.

The dialogue in the novel is lively and natural, reflecting the dialects and idioms of the Cossacks and other social groups. Sholokhov also uses direct speech to convey the political and ideological debates that take place among the characters, as well as their emotions and motivations. The dialogue also reveals the contrasts and conflicts between different characters and their worldviews.

The description in the novel is rich and detailed, creating a vivid picture of the landscape, the weather, the animals, the plants, the people, the clothes, the food, the customs, etc. of the Cossack region. Sholokhov also uses description to convey the mood and atmosphere of different scenes, as well as to foreshadow future events. He uses sensory details to appeal to the reader's senses and imagination.

Sholokhov also uses symbolism and imagery to enhance his themes and messages. For example, he uses the Don River as a symbol of the Cossack life and spirit, as well as a source of beauty and danger. He also uses animals such as horses, wolves, eagles, etc. to symbolize different aspects of the Cossack character and culture. He uses imagery such as fire, blood, sun, moon, stars, etc. to create contrasts and associations between different elements of his story.

Sholokhov balances realism and romanticism in his writing. He depicts the harsh realities of war and revolution with graphic detail and accuracy, but he also portrays the beauty and nobility of love and nature with poetic language and sentiment. He combines tragedy and comedy in his story, showing both the suffering and the joy of his characters. He also blends action and reflection in his plot, alternating between fast-paced scenes of battles and raids and slow-paced scenes of introspection and dialogue.

Comparison with other works

Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud is often compared with other classic novels by Russian authors such as Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Anton Chekhov, etc. It shares some similarities and differences with them in terms of themes, style, and influence.

One of the most obvious comparisons is with War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, which is also an epic novel that depicts the lives and fates of different social groups during a period of war and revolution in Russian history. Both novels explore themes such as love, family, patriotism, religion, morality, violence, suffering, etc. Both novels also use a combination of realism and romanticism, tragedy and comedy, action and reflection, etc. to create a complex and multifaceted picture of their fictional world. However, there are also some differences between them. For example, War and Peace focuses more on the aristocratic class and their involvement in the Napoleonic Wars, while Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud focuses more on the Cossack class and their involvement in the World War I and the Civil War. War and Peace also has a more optimistic and universal tone, while Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud has a more pessimistic and nationalistic tone.

Another comparison is with The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, which is also a novel that explores the psychological and moral aspects of human nature through the story of a family. Both novels deal with themes such as free will, guilt, sin, redemption, justice, etc. Both novels also use a variety of literary techniques such as dialogue, narration, description, symbolism, imagery, etc. to convey their messages and meanings. However, there are also some differences between them. For example, The Brothers Karamazov focuses more on the philosophical and religious questions that arise from the murder of a father by one of his sons, while Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud focuses more on the historical and political questions that arise from the war and revolution that affect a whole nation. The Brothers Karamazov also has a more introspective and analytical tone, while Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud has a more descriptive and emotional tone.


Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud is a classic novel that deserves to be read and appreciated by modern readers. It is a masterpiece of literature that combines historical accuracy, artistic skill, and human insight. It is a novel that portrays the life and fate of the Don Cossacks during a critical and turbulent period of Russian history. It is a novel that explores themes such as love, war, revolution, culture, identity, morality, etc. It is a novel that challenges and enriches the reader's mind and heart.

However, Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud is not a perfect novel. It also has some weaknesses and limitations that need to be acknowledged and criticized. For example, some critics have accused Sholokhov of plagiarism, claiming that he copied parts of his novel from other sources without proper attribution. Some critics have also questioned Sholokhov's political and ideological stance, arguing that he was too loyal to the Soviet regime and its propaganda. Some critics have also pointed out some flaws and inconsistencies in Sholokhov's style and language, such as his excessive use of dialects and idioms, his lack of subtlety and nuance, his repetition and redundancy, etc.

Nevertheless, Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud remains a valuable and influential work of literature that deserves respect and recognition. It is a novel that reflects and influences the cultural and literary trends of its time and place. It is a novel that has inspired and moved generations of readers around the world. It is a novel that has earned Sholokhov the Nobel Prize in Literature and a place among the greatest Russian writers of all time.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud:

- Where can I download Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud for free? - You can download Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud for free from various online sources, such as Project Gutenberg , Internet Archive , or Open Library . However, you should be aware of the legal and ethical issues involved in downloading copyrighted works without permission or payment. - What is the meaning of the title Song Dong Em Dem? - Song Dong Em Dem is a Vietnamese translation of And Quiet Flows The Don, which is an English translation of Tikhy Don, which is the original Russian title of the novel. The title refers to the Don River, which is the main geographical feature of the Cossack region where the novel is set. The title suggests the contrast between the peaceful and quiet flow of the river and the violent and turbulent events that take place along its banks. - Is Song Dong Em Dem based on a true story or real people? - Song Dong Em Dem is based on historical facts and events that occurred in Russia from 1912 to 1922. However, it is not a documentary or a biography. It is a fictional work that uses imagination and creativity to create its characters and plot. Sholokhov did use some real people as models or sources for some of his characters, such as his own relatives or acquaintances who were Cossacks or soldiers. He also used some documents or testimonies as references for some of his scenes or dialogues. However, he also changed or added many details to suit his artistic vision and purpose. FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud:

- Where can I download Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud for free? - You can download Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud for free from various online sources, such as Project Gutenberg , Internet Archive , or Open Library . However, you should be aware of the legal and ethical issues involved in downloading copyrighted works without permission or payment. - What is the meaning of the title Song Dong Em Dem? - Song Dong Em Dem is a Vietnamese translation of And Quiet Flows The Don, which is an English translation of Tikhy Don, which is the original Russian title of the novel. The title refers to the Don River, which is the main geographical feature of the Cossack region where the novel is set. The title suggests the contrast between the peaceful and quiet flow of the river and the violent and turbulent events that take place along its banks. - Is Song Dong Em Dem based on a true story or real people? - Song Dong Em Dem is based on historical facts and events that occurred in Russia from 1912 to 1922. However, it is not a documentary or a biography. It is a fictional work that uses imagination and creativity to create its characters and plot. Sholokhov did use some real people as models or sources for some of his characters, such as his own relatives or acquaintances who were Cossacks or soldiers. He also used some documents or testimonies as references for some of his scenes or dialogues. However, he also changed or added many details to suit his artistic vision and purpose. - How long did it take Sholokhov to write Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud and what difficulties did he face? - It took Sholokhov 12 years to write Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud, from 1925 to 1937. He faced many difficulties during this process, such as lack of time, money, and resources, censorship and criticism from the authorities and the public, accusations of plagiarism and falsification, personal and family problems, etc. He also had to do extensive research and revision to ensure the accuracy and quality of his work. - What are some adaptations and translations of Song Dong Em Dem Epub Bud in other media and languages?

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